Sunday, 6 September 2015

Mad about Hats!

Room 6 are reading Alice in Wonderland and we are mad about hats.
We are also learning to use the Thinking Hats to develop our thinking. The green thinking hat relates to new ideas. Post a comment on the blog about your dream hat.
What would it look like? What are it's special features? Describe your dream hat.


  1. I'll go first ... my dream hat would keep the sun off, it would have some bright decorations on it, little pockets to store things and it wouldn't squash my hair!

  2. I Loved how we got to decorate our hat and preformed it on ag day and I beet the judes Loved all of our hats.

  3. My dream hat would have little sparkly Pom-poms on it and colourful shapes . It would keep the sun off.

  4. my dream hat would have bright decorations a 2 pockets
